Common Injuries in Head-On Collisions in Alabama

by Aaron Gartlan

August 23, 2021 | Auto Accidents

Head-on collisions are among the most devastating types of crashes. When two vehicles collide head-on, the force of impact is typically much greater than in other types of accidents. The occupants in the vehicles involved in a head-on crash often suffer severe, catastrophic, or fatal injuries.

If you have been injured or someone you love has been killed in a head-on collision in Alabama caused by someone else’s carelessness or recklessness, you may have a legal right to hold the at-fault driver accountable and seek compensation for your medical bills and related losses.

At Gartlan Injury Law, our top-rated Dothan car accident lawyer has extensive experience handling head-on collision cases. We are committed to fighting for you to receive fair compensation to rebuild your life after a devastating injury. Contact us by phone or online for a free consultation with a skilled trial attorney today.

What Are the Leading Causes of Head-On Collisions in Alabama?

Most head-on accidents are the result of driver negligence. The most common causes of head-on collisions in Alabama include:

  • Speeding – Exceeding the speed limit or driving too fast for conditions can cause a driver to lose control of their vehicle. If the driver needs to stop or maneuver their car, they may not have enough time to react appropriately when speeding. In addition, a driver traveling at high speed will hit another vehicle with greater force. Head-on accidents involving speeding drivers are some of the deadliest. In 2019, 26 percent of all traffic-related deaths involved speeding.
  • Distracted driving – One of the most common factors associated with head-on collisions is driver distraction. Tasks such as typing text messages, dialing a cell phone, looking at a GPS, and eating redirect a driver’s attention from the road. Focusing on a task other than driving could cause a person to drift into oncoming traffic, leading to a head-on crash.
  • Driving under the influence – A motorist’s judgment, decision-making skills, vision, and reaction-time become significantly impaired when they’re under the influence of alcohol or drugs. An intoxicated driver could become disoriented or enter a freeway headed the wrong way on a one-way road, causing a head-on accident.
  • Driver fatigue – In 2019, 697 people died in motor vehicle accidents involving drowsy driving. A drowsy driver may nod off and drift into another lane of traffic. Fatigued driving slows reaction time, impairs judgment, and can result in loss of consciousness. Anyone who falls asleep at the wheel may cause a head-on collision.
  • Disobeying traffic signals and signs – Running a red light, failing to yield the right of way, or failing to stop at a stop sign are examples of traffic violations that can lead to head-on collisions. Traffic signs and signals are in place for a reason. They facilitate the safe flow of traffic and keep drivers and passengers safe.
  • Reckless driving – Weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating, and other aggressive behaviors put everyone at risk. Drivers often behave this way when they are rushing to work or become angered by another motorist. Things like unsafe lane changes and passing in no-passing zones could cause a head-on crash if a driver crosses the centerline despite oncoming vehicles.

What Happens During a Head-On Collision?

A head-on collision occurs when the front ends of two vehicles traveling in opposite directions crash into each other. A head-on collision may involve passenger cars, small trucks, large commercial trucks, and motorcycles.

Head-on collisions are especially dangerous because the speed and forward momentum of both vehicles contribute to the force of impact. The force of impact affects the occupants of the vehicles who may be thrown violently forward against part of the car’s interior.

In a high-speed head-on collision, the passenger compartment of the vehicle could collapse due to the forces involved and cause severe crush injuries and more.

Car collision due to distracted driving.

Why Are Head-On Collisions So Dangerous?

Head-on collisions are particularly dangerous because the force of two vehicles that collide while traveling toward each other is nearly doubled. This means that a crash that occurs at relatively slow speeds, like 20 miles per hour, would feel like hitting a wall at 40 miles per hour. Since many head-on collisions occur at higher speeds than this, the force of the impact often causes catastrophic injuries.

Although head-on accidents aren’t as common as other types of collisions, they often result in more severe injuries. The most common injuries in head-on collisions in Alabama include:

What Should You Do After a Head-On Car Wreck in Alabama?

If you have been involved in a head-on accident in Alabama, your first priority is to get the medical attention you need.

In the days and weeks following the accident, there are steps you can take to protect your rights to seek compensation, such as:

  • Following your doctor’s orders and attending all of your doctor and physical therapy appointments. If there’s a gap in treatment, the insurance company could use that as a valid reason to deny your claim or offer a low settlement amount.
  • Gathering all of the documentation related to your case, such as medical records, medical bills, proof of income prior to your accident, and vehicle repair or replacement estimates.
  • Refraining from posting comments about the accident or your injuries on social media. Any posts you make could be taken out of context and used by the other side to undermine your case.
  • Tracking your physical injuries and other challenges in a pain journal, which can be used to help show the extent of your non-economic losses.

It is also recommended that you have an experienced Alabama car accident attorney review the details of the accident and explain the appropriate legal steps that you may take. Having an experienced lawyer deal with the insurance companies on your behalf protects your interests and allows you to focus on your health.

Visit our Alabama Car Accident Injury Offices

Contact Gartlan Injury Law

The Alabama car accident lawyers of Gartlan Injury Law provide aggressive representation for those who have been injured in head-on collisions. We know how devastating these accidents can be, and how important getting results are to you and your loved ones. We fight for those who’ve been harmed by the negligence of others. We will be ready to put our experience to work for you. Call us, chat with us live, or fill out a contact form for a free consultation today.


Aaron Gartlan is a graduate of Troy University and the Thomas Goode Jones School of Law who focuses his practice exclusively on representing those injured by the wrongdoing of others. He is member of the National Trial Lawyers Association’s Top 100 Trial Lawyers, Million Dollar Advocates Forum and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. In addition to his legal practice, Aaron teaches Business Law as an adjunct instructor at Troy University’s Sorrell College of Business and serves as a field artillery sergeant in the Alabama National Guard.

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